Monday, November 16, 2009

How do I unblock youtube?

unblock youtube because we are with this program called netgear and they have blocked youtube can someone please tell me how to unblock it

How do I unblock youtube?
hi angel remember me? i dnno but the same wae me look @ the bak of the box u used 2set it up! hope this helps otherwise see the doctsr lol
Reply:i always use to access blocked site at my office. it works just fine for me. how about give it a try :) Report It

Reply: Report It

Reply:see the doctor.
Reply:start%26gt;settings%26gt;control panel%26gt; internet options%26gt; security%26gt; trusted sites%26gt; type in youtube as a trusted site...try that ?
Reply:well you must do it in the same why you did it to lock it
Reply:Are you 12?
Reply:youd have to add you tube to the list of sites allowed. im not familier with the program so just mess around with it till you find it.
Reply:you probably have to use a proxy like kproxy or something.

The school i went to had websense and all the kids knew how to go to a proxy website. they like act as middlemen websites or frame websites or whatever they're called.

The netgear might learn to recognize the proxy so you will have to search for new ones.
Reply:Erm, look on the Back of the Box which has the program in it which Blocks Sites.

It might say there.


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